Hello from my house to yours!
I’ll be honest, I hate to be one more person uttering the words “coronavirus” or “social distancing.” But in the midst of our weird, anxious world, I know we could all use some solidarity and support.
So I’m tossing out some ideas for how you can remain a functional, fulfilled human when you’re stuck at home. (As a self-described homebody, this is the marathon I’ve been training for my whole life. I am no medical expert. But man, am I good at staying home.)
When cabin fever sets in – because it’s going to, we know! – keep this list handy. These tips will give you productive, happy, healthy things to do when you’re stuck at home.
31 Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home
Feeling bored?
If you’ve got that listless, twitchy feeling that comes from bingeing too much Netflix, try one of these activities instead.
1. Read
This might also be the time to tackle the books on your shelf that you haven’t read yet. And even if your library is closed, you can still get e-books and electronic copies of magazines. Don’t have a Kindle? Download the Kindle app to your tablet or phone, or use your browser window in a pinch.
Psssst: I’ve got a list of immersive books to escape into right over here. Looking for something cozy and calming? Check here.
2. Try a new hobby
(Or dust off an old one.) Some ideas?
- Got a ukulele or keyboard gathering dust? Pull out your old sheet music.
- Still have knitting needles crammed in a closet? Open YouTube and remind yourself how to cast on.
- Have a willing dance partner? Watch an online tutorial to learn to swing dance or waltz.
- Got a Sharpie and a piece of paper? Check out Ian Barnard’s hand lettering tutorials.
- Try a free trial of Skillshare to take an online class.
3. Switch out your clothes for spring
Need some help with this? Check out this post. Now might even be the time to finally try out a capsule wardrobe (check out Un-fancy’s wardrobe planner for step by step help!)
4. Spruce up your living space
(You’re going to be spending plenty of time stuck at home, after all.) Browse for inspiration on Pinterest. Figure out how to hang those curtains. Finally look for a painting to fill that blank spot. Put up those frames you’ve been meaning to hang. Bonus points if you order art or decor from a small business.
5. Research that thing you’ve always wondered about
Curious about meditation or how to make bread or Renaissance art or how to change your own headlight? The Internet has not been canceled. Do some reading!
6. Try a new recipe
You may need to plan this around your next grocery run, but you likely have everything in your house to try to find the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever or to try making your own pizza dough.
7. Make a movie watching strategy
Instead of just aimlessly perusing Netflix, can you make a bucket list and work your way through it? Finally watch Miss Americana and those other documentaries you haven’t gotten around to. Make a list by director and plow your way through it. Finally get to that series that everyone has been recommending. Watch the top 10 most highly rated movies on IMdB.
Other posts you may enjoy:
- Need a work-from-home office upgrade? Check out these tips.
- Need an escape, minus the plane ticket? Check out these page-turning books to escape into.
- Want some advice for meal planning during a pandemic? Click here for tips and recipes using pantry staples!
Feeling antsy?
Got more energy than your 900-square-foot apartment can hold? Move! It’s one of the best things you can do when you’re stuck at home. Need more ideas?
8. Get outside
You are not barred from going outdoors, promise. Take a walk, or go for a hike. Fresh air will do you good.
9. Do a yoga video
Yoga with Adriene is my very favorite – she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and she has a ton of videos. A suggestion: check out her 30-day Home series and do one video every day.
10. Try a HIIT workout
This is my favorite way to get my heart rate up, fast. FitnessBlender has some good ones that can be done without equipment, and you can play your own pump-up background music.
11. Dance
If you are dance-challenged, searching for a JustDance video from YouTube is a great way to break down any mental barriers.
12. Spend 15 minutes seeing how much you can clean
It gets you moving AND accomplishes something productive.
Feeling lazy?
I’m all for cuddling up with a blanket and relaxing. But when cozy turns into that icky, I-am-becoming-one-with-the-couch feeling, it’s no longer quite so nice. Here’s how to feel more like a human when you’re stuck at home.
13. Stand up
And then go get a cold glass of water. You probably need it. (If that feels like too much, at least stop sprawling on the couch and fully sit up.)
14. Get dressed
If you haven’t changed out of your pajamas and washed your hair (or at least used dry shampoo), now is the time.
15. Play some upbeat music.
The Happy Days playlist on Spotify is my favorite for this.
16. Move. (This bears repeating!)
Even ducking outside for a 10 minute walk will help get you into a different headspace.
17. Change your surroundings
Can you move to a different room of your house? Find a different chair? Grab your jacket and sit on your porch?
18. Drink some tea.
A little Earl Gray never hurt anything. (Plus, caffeine!)
19. Just add water
This is some of my favorite advice from Jen Hatmaker. If you need a reset, add water. Take a bath. Take a walk by a river. Hop in the shower. Wash your face.
20. Clean one thing
Think of one household task that’s bugging you. Just one. Then take care of it. (Puts down computer to go take out the recycling right now…)
21. Do one household task you normally avoid
If you want an extra shot of productivity juju, clean your burner pans. Wash your sheets and towels. Run your dishwasher empty, with just a cup of vinegar in the top rack.
22. Organize a drawer, cupboard, or closet
The Home Edit recommends starting with just one drawer. Empty out the drawer, purge any junk, sort the contents, and put away neatly. Pro tip: if you have to put in a Target order for a bin or basket, wait until your stuff is sorted. You can start this now to actually figure out what you need! I have big plans to finally put labels on all the baskets in our pantry and closet…I’ve been avoiding it since we moved in! If you want some ideas for easy organizing tips that you can do – for free! – in less than 10 minutes, click here!
23. Hang those picture frames you’ve been meaning to display
Or actually select and order the photos to go in them!
24. Organize your digital photos
If you just can’t get up off the couch (I get it!), get your digital photos organized. I found the 10 Things to Tell You podcast episode about organizing your digital photos incredibly helpful. Have a listen, then get that hard drive backed up and that Amazon photos account running!
Feeling lonely?
Social distancing is rough. But there are still ways to connect with other humans without risking anyone’s health.
25. Close social media and news sites
I can almost guarantee it’s making you feel more panicky and lonely.
26. Call or Skype your family.
My family does a Google Hangout every few weeks, and it always makes me feel better.
27. Check in on a friend you haven’t chatted with in a while
Texting is great. Calling (gasp) might be even better.
28. Spend intentional time with the other people in your house
Initiate a board game. Start a conversation where no one is looking at his or her phone. Cook something together.
29. Get together with another couple (virtually)
Invite some friends to virtually make dinner, play an online game, or watch a movie with you.
30. Send a letter
This is a win-win – writing letters is fun, and the recipient will find something more exciting than bills in the mailbox.
31. Find a way to help.
If you’re reading this, there is likely someone who is worse off than you are. This article has some good ideas for how you can help.
Want even more ideas? I created this resource just for you, with even more ideas about how to spend your time while in social isolation. Just enter your info below to get access!
What ideas do you have for things to do when you’re stuck at home? Fill me in @annaleighsaxton on Instagram!