The twinkling trees have been taken down. New Year’s resolutions have been broken – or ignored altogether (#2020). The first crises of the new year have passed. Though there’s an inkling of hope for COVID-19 vaccines, we still have a long winter of uncertainty ahead of us.
If you’re feeling a little down just thinking about it, I have an invitation for you. Let’s walk through this winter together.
Join me for the Surviving Stay-at-Home Winter Challenge.
Curious? Here’s what Surviving Stay-at-Home Winter will hold
While this challenge was originally a live email challenge, we’ve adapted it so you can still participate! When you sign up, you’ll get an email with a PDF. Each page of that PDF includes one small but powerful action step that will help you consider how to prepare your home, body, and spirit for the winter ahead. Each task will take about five minutes, but you’ll set yourself up for a stay-at-home winter with a little more sanity.
Tackle one step per day for a better week, or knock out all 5 steps on one Stay-at-Home Saturday!
This resource is completely free and open to anyone who’d like to join. Invite your friends or your mom or your sister to complete it with you!
Ready to get the strategies? Click below!
About Me
Hi there! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Anna.

I’m a chai-drinking bookworm who’s passionate about helping you simplify the adulting stuff that threatens to topple your sanity. And let’s be real, any more months inside might do just that.
I grew up in the northwest corner of Minnesota, so I know a thing or two about surviving winter. (As in, I know what -40° F feels like. Let’s just say it’s not so fun.)
I’ve discovered some tricks to make the winter seasons feel a little less dark and dreary, even now that my husband and I live in the Washington, DC suburbs. So whether you live anywhere from California to Maine, I’d love to share them with you!
With these Surviving Stay-at-Home Winter challenge, you’ll have:
- A cleaner space – plus the mental clarity that comes with it
- An actual event in your calendar to look forward to (remember that feeling?)
- A game plan for not-so great days
- Maybe, possibly, hopefully, a tiny inkling of hopefulness
Heart feel a little lighter just imagining that possibility? Then grab the resource ASAP! Just enter your info below.