There’s one resolution I can always get behind: reading more! These tricks will show you how to read more in 2020. Plus, I’ll give you a peek at the books I’m most excited about reading this year!
Books & Reading
My Top Books of 2019: 8 Fiction, Memoir, and YA Picks
These titles are the top books I read in 2019. Of the 77 titles I completed, these are my absolute favorites. They include fiction, memoir, and YA!
Top 10 Spooky Books for Fall
Every Halloween, I get the urge to read something a little creepier than normal. Below are my top picks for spooky Halloween reads. They might keep you up at night, but they’re still approved by this highly sensitive person.
Top 10 Cozy Books for Fall
Need recommendations for cozy fall books? The ones to read while you snuggle in a gigantic scarf, a pumpkin spice latte in hand? Here are my top 10 picks.