There’s one resolution I can always get behind: reading more! These tricks will show you how to read more in 2020. Plus, I’ll give you a peek at the books I’m most excited about reading this year!
Adulting Advice
Trader Joe’s Favorites: Staples We Won’t Buy Anywhere Else
I have spent a lot of time wandering the aisles of Trader Joe’s. After all my taste tests, I’ve narrowed down my list of Trader Joe’s favorites. These are the items I won’t buy anywhere else!
14 Essential Kitchen Tools for Beginning Cooks
The essential kitchen tools in this post are the ones I reach for most. They get used at least once a week, and I still get excited when I pull them out. If you’re creating a wedding registry or looking for gifts, these are my top picks!
Avoiding the gym? 10 tips to motivate yourself to work out.
Know all the benefits of exercise but still struggle to put on those running shoes? These 10 doable tips will help you motivate yourself to work out.
On a Budget? What to Buy at Aldi.
To stick to our grocery budget, I’ve become a regular Aldi customer. I’ve become familiar with the shelves. I’ve been the person doing price comparisons. And I’ve tried enough products that I can confidently tell you what to buy (and how to save money) at Aldi.
Overwhelmed by Meal Planning? Basic Meal Planning for Beginners
I’m not going to tell you the one correct way to meal plan – because it doesn’t exist. Instead, I’m 3 basic “levels” of meal planning – including a peek at my absolute favorite meal planning tool – and little ways to improve.