I feel utterly betrayed when I realize that there are single-digit days remaining in August. Because this summer has not, exactly, been what I envisioned.
(You, too?)
So now I’m holding on to the last gasps of summer with clenched fists. Please, social media algorithms, don’t start with those fall foilage photos or summer-to-fall transition outfits. I’m not ready. (Plus, it’s still way too hot for a cardigan here.)
Can you relate?
Maybe you’re also white-knuckling your way through these last days of summer to try to salvage something, anything. Maybe you feel utterly unprepared for back to school season. Maybe you had interrupted plans. Maybe you experienced a tragedy that knocked you off your feet. Or maybe you had a totally ordinary summer, but it doesn’t feel like it was “enough” somehow.
If that’s you, I am so sorry. This sucks, doesn’t it? Those small griefs may seem like “not a big deal,” but they can certainly feel like a big deal to you. And that’s worth respecting.
If you’d like a path through the disappointment of this season, can I offer you something?
I’m no expert, but I do know that some intentional reflection can help in seasons like this one. The six reflection questions below are what I’ve been considering as summer ends.
The goals here are three-fold.
First, we acknowledge the good. Gratitude is discontentment’s kryptonite, according to a slew of studies (and, you know, my own anecdotal evidence). If you can name the things you were grateful for this summer, it might move your mindset in a better direction.
Second, we acknowledge the not-so-good. Naming emotions – including the negative ones – helps reduce their power, cut down negative reactions, and eliminate any sneaking sense of shame you might be harboring.
And finally, we find an action step to help us move forward. I am constantly learning (and re-learning) to figure out what I can control and harness my energy towards that, rather than letting it spin out in anxiety over things I’m powerless to change. Having just one area where I have some agency makes a huge difference – especially in times like these, when so many things seem out of my hands.
Want to join me in this process? These are the reflection questions you might consider:
- What were the highlights of this summer?
- What was most challenging for me this summer?
- What am I grieving as the summer ends?
- What (doable) experiences would help my summer feel more complete?
- How can I intentionally close this summer? When do I want that to happen?
- What can I plan to help me feel more excited for fall?
Here are my answers to these reflection questions, if it’s helpful to you.
What were the highlights of this summer?
- Growing an herb garden
- Finally spending time in Minnesota with family
- Trying new restaurants at the outdoor mall near our apartment
- Picnics with friends
- Climbing Old Rag
- Sailing on the Potomac
- Watching fireworks on the National Mall
- Trying new summer recipes
- Day trips to Annapolis
(There were actually more of these than I anticipated. I sincerely felt better after making this list.)
What was most challenging for me this summer?
- Being far from family
- Missing midwestern summers, especially the lakes
- Not having the flexibility of a teacher’s schedule
- Not being able to travel (while being reminded of trips from past years)
What am I grieving as the summer ends?
- Having to wait another year to experience more of MN summer
- Having to work on Saturdays again
What (doable) experiences would help my summer feel more complete?
- Watching the sunset from a local park
- Making a summery dessert
- Going to the beach
How can I intentionally close this summer? When do I want that to happen?
- Plan a weekend where we get on the water and eat favorite summer recipes
- The weekend before technical “summer” ends on Sept. 22
What can I plan to help me feel more excited for fall?
- A camping trip (especially when it won’t be so hot)
- Local hikes during peak leaf season
Now it’s your turn!
Grab a journal, scribble a note on that receipt lying on your coffee table, or shoot a text to a friend. Let’s end this summer well!
How did you answer these reflection questions? Tell me everything in the comments or find me on Instagram @annaleighsaxton!
P.S. Need more ideas? You might want to check out these 32 ideas for how to celebrate summer (it’s not too late!) or this fall bucket list and printable!